PharmaEssentian US subsidiary team participates in community charity events

2024 / 03 / 29

From February 26-29, our PEC US colleagues from across Sales, Marketing, Market Access, Medical, Business Operations, and Corporate Communications came together to participate in the first POA (Point of Action ) of the year in Orlando, Florida.    

During the POA meeting, our teams highlighted their commitment to helping patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and honed their expertise to ensure the success of BESREMi.    

POA participants had a great and meaningful time working together to collate “Cheeriodicals” care kits for pediatric patients at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando. The kits, comprised of magazines, coloring books, art supplies, toys, and puzzles, were compiled during POA and then delivered to patients at the hospital. The children were appreciative for our support and goodies! 

Check out a video montage of team members compiling Cheeriodicals, and kudos to the POA participants for their engagement at the event and throughout the year.( PharmaEssentia - Cheeriodicals Highlight Video 2024)