Our Sustainable Governance Blueprint

In response to the changing trends, PharmaEssentia has strengthened its core strategy for global operations and aligned them with the international sustainable development goals. We also put SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being as the core to link our ESG actions to our sustainable development blueprint, to create greater sustainable value for the company.


Sustainable Governance Operations & Achievements

Sustainability Structure

The board of directors is the highest governance and decision-making unit for the company, responding to the governance needs of sustainable development. In 2020, we set up PharmaEssentia’s ECCS with the CEO as the leader and five functional Taskforces under the CEO's leadership. The ECCS is responsible for planning and promoting cross-departmental sustainability policies, goals, strategies, and execution plans and delegate these plans to each Taskforces to implement. The ECCS reports the progress of ESG related projects to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.

Sustainable Achievements

Sustainability Reporting and Performance Display